Axline Principles

Play Therapy

West Cornwall

Play Therapy West Cornwall's practice is underpinned by the Axline Principles

5. Respect the child regardless of the choices the child makes within the play room

1. Create a warm and trusting relationship

2. Accept the child regardless of their behaviour

6. Allow the child to lead the session and not force decision making

3. Allow the child to express a full and varied range of emotions

7. Do not hurry the therapy and allow the child to experience their feelings in their own time

4. Recognise how the child is feeling and help the child to recognise those emotions

8. Only set rules that keep everybody safe and allows the child to take responsibility for their own actions

The therapist then acts as a mirror for the child's feelings, they then feel heard, accepted and valued.

These actions help build a safe and secure relationship which gives the child the freedom and room to express themselves  in their own way exactly as they feel at that moment in time.